Sunday, May 30, 2010

Removing Extra Breaks in Word Documents

Removing Extra Breaks in Word Documents

Follow these steps:

1. Press Ctrl + H to open the Find and Replace dialog box

2. In the first box, enter ^p^p (the "p" must be lower case)

3. In the second box, enter ^p

4. Click Replace All

Note: This will replace two paragraph breaks with one. You can specify other options, depending on the number of paragraph breaks you'd like between paragraphs. You can also replace a paragraph break with another character, if you choose.

If you copied the text from the Internet, this might not work for you. That's because there are different types of breaks in HTML files. Not to worry, there is a solution:

5. Press Ctrl + H to open the Find and Replace dialog box

6. In the first box, enter ^l (the "l" must be lower case)

7. In the second box, enter ^p

8. Click Replace All

You can then replace double breaks as necessary.


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